The Creative

I have always enjoyed being creative from a young age including a wide range of interests. One of my first loves was photography - I started at the age of 8 when I joined 4-H. Over the years I have taken thousands of pictures today and still enjoy this art form. I also enjoy learning and exploring other forms of art. I tend to lean towards art that also has a technical side.

The Engineer

Growing up I loved to learn new things such as how things are made and how they work. I have always loved puzzles, processes, and problem solving. I went to school to be an Industrial Engineer and I have worked as a manufacturing engineer. I currently work in a marketing role, but I still love a good spread sheet and have an analytical brain.

My Journey

I have struggled with mental health for years and made the decisions a few years ago to begin a serious journey to improve it. During this journey I was diagnosed with ADHD - which made my life make so much more sense. As I have addressed various areas of my life I have learned and grown as a person. It has not been an easy road, but one worth taking. I am hoping to use what I have learned to continue to grow and help others who are also on the road to health and happiness.